Fall is here again, and the holiday season is fast approaching. With so many people preparing for celebrations, now is the time to be especially careful while driving on streets and highways.
According to the National Safety Council, more than 400 people could be killed, and another 48,500 could be injured, while driving on the roads this Thanksgiving holiday weekend alone. The NSC study said that nearly one third of those fatalities are also predicted to involve alcohol-impaired driving.
The same NSC report also showed that one of the most dangerous times to drive is the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, when both traffic and alcohol consumption are typically at a record high. In addition, distracted driving also contributed to the driver safety threat over the holiday weekend, as the poll showed that on Black Friday, 66% of drivers would make calls while driving through a crowded parking lot and 56% would text.
At our firm, our concern is first and foremost for the safety of you and your family. That is why we strongly encourage you to have a plan when attending your holiday parties. It’s extremely important to either have a designated driver, or to use a rideshare service such as Uber or Lyft to get to and from your destinations as safely as possible. In addition, if you are driving, stay focused on the roads knowing that many other drivers out there may not be.
As always, we are here to help, and appreciate your referrals. If you or one of your friends, family, co-workers or associates has been injured by an alcohol-impaired or distracted driver and/or has questions about any other accident listed in this enclosure, please call us at 323-651-0125. We hope you and your family have a safe, happy and healthy holiday season.
Michael B. Goldstein
Legal Matters Handled by Our Firm
Employment Claims
Wrongful termination
Sexual harassment
Unpaid overtime wages
Failure to pay minimum wages
Meal & rest break claims
Unpaid expense claims
Premises Liability
Slip and fall
Trip and fall
Nightclub/Security negligence
Food Poisoning
Animal Attacks
Dog bites
Cat attacks
Catastrophic Injury Accidents
Traumatic brain injuries
Herniated disks
Wrongful death
Streets and highways
Parkway areas
Elder Care Abuse
Nursing homes
Retirement homes
Assisted living facilities
Product Liability
Employment & Labor Class Actions
Consumer Class Action