Welcome to 2019! We hope you had a fantastic holiday season, and that you’re ready for an amazing new year! You may know that each year new laws go into effect, and here are a few you’ll want to know about.
First, drivers of low emission vehicles issued with green and white decals, which gave them access to high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes, should know those expired on January 1, 2019. The good news is that drivers can now reapply for new red tags, which will allow them to continue using the HOV lanes for another four years until January 1, 2022.
Second, there are also new smog check changes and new abatement fees that expand the exemption period to cars that are eight years old from the previous six model years old. During the additional two years, the vehicle will be required to pay an abatement fee of $25.
Third, the DUI Ignition Interlock Device (IID) law has gone into effect statewide, mandating that all repeat offenders and first time offenders whose violations resulted in bodily injury, install an IID in their vehicles. The driver must test free from alcohol and/or drugs or the vehicle cannot be driven.
If you are like many, you probably chose Uber or Lyft to get to your holiday parties, which is a wise decision because it is never safe to drink and drive. So if you or anyone you know was in an accident while in a rideshare vehicle, or hit by another driving a rideshare vehicle, please feel free to contact us.
As always, we are here to help and appreciate your referrals. If you or someone you know has questions about new California laws related to driving, or any other personal injury claims represented in this enclosure, please feel free to give us a call at 323-651-1025. Here’s wishing you a New Year filled with happiness, prosperity, safety and good health.
Michael B. Goldstein
Legal Matters Handled by Our Firm
Employment Claims
Wrongful termination
Sexual harassment
Unpaid overtime wages
Failure to pay minimum wages
Meal & rest break claims
Unpaid expense claims
Premises Liability
Slip and fall
Trip and fall
Nightclub/Security negligence
Food Poisoning
Animal Attacks
Dog bites
Cat attacks
Catastrophic Injury Accidents
Traumatic brain injuries
Herniated disks
Wrongful death
Streets and highways
Parkway areas
Elder Care Abuse
Nursing homes
Retirement homes
Assisted living facilities
Product Liability
Employment & Labor Class Actions
Consumer Class Action